Today is supremely busy with it being the 4th of July.  Happy Birthday, America! 

Because of that, I’m sure I won’t get my exercising in, but we’ll see.  I’m holding no hope though.  After the fireworks I’ll attempt to do my strength training though.  We’ll see.

I’m doing great today!  I made it through the worst temptation ever.  We went to the theatre and we got absolutely NOTHING.  No popcorn, no soda, definitely no candy.  Go me!  I did eat some peaches when I got home as I was feeling the snack monster knocking.  I ate a light lunch so we could race to the movie, so it is all good.

I’m doing great as far as my calorie intake for today. I’m doing awful for protein.  I figure dinner will solve that issue though!  Carbs are creeping up fast though.  I’m still under my target span though, so we’ll see.  My fat levels are very low.

Let’s see how bad dinner kills me.  Currently my levels are:

Calories: 575

Carbs: 102

Fat: 14

Protein: 12


We’re heading over to a friend’s house in a bit.  She’s got someone licensed to shoot fireworks so apparently there’s to be a “show”.  Suits me just right because I have no desire to deal with city traffic. Though a part of me thinks I’m a bad Aunt for not taking my nephew to see fireworks in DC.  The traffic is just so nightmarish that I do NOT want to deal with it.  Seriously.  Last time I went there were far less people here.  It still took four hours one way.  Four hours to go 55 miles is NOT my idea of fun.  And honestly, it wasn’t worth it.  Maybe Clinton was just unpatriotic.  Or maybe DC fireworks really do suck.  My town does just great over our river.  Humph.

Happy 4th to you all!

-Lady O

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