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If you paid attention to the news coming out of Virginia this week, you might think that Mama Nature decided to come out all Godzilla style to give us a beat down.

Thank goodness it wasn’t a banjo-beatdown like in “Zombieland”.

However, this week seems to want to make the super historic town of Fredericksburg, VA suffer the most. Let’s look at the week in a nutshell, shall we?

Monday – Just your typical random August day. Maybe a little cooler than normal. Sweet.

Tuesday – Starts off gorgeous. We’re in full on revel mode. And then… BOOM! Out of absolutely nowhere the earth decides maybe it just doesn’t like us anymore and spends a minute trying to launch us into space. Hmmm, 5.9 earthquake? Well, that was fun!

Wednesday – Things seem to settle down.  The few aftershocks? No big thing. Now we’re prepping for the cold front before the hurricane that may or may not trash us. All right, provisions time!

Thursday – Cold front decided to be in a all out war of “I’m more bad-bumm than you!” with the impending Hurricane Irene. Tropical storm gale winds tear through my town ripping trees and pavement right out of the ground and causing mayhem and destruction. Was that a roof that flew by my head just now? Why yes it was!

Friday – Thank goodness, let’s do some clean up from the earthquake and would be tornado psychoticness, but we’re already under a Tropical Storm Warning.  And Irene has set her glowering eye towards us. I think she just wants to kick us while we’re down.

My question? Who pulled the “Epic Natural Disaster Smack-down” card in poker this week? Can I shoot you now or later?

This kind of crazy crazy needs a playlist. I mean I had one for the would-be Rapture, after all. Here goes:

For the Earthquake portion of the festivities:

1. Martika – I Feel the Earth Move

2. Bill Haley – Shake Rattle and Roll

Don your raincoats and grab an umbrella for the rainy fun:

3. Eurythmics – Here Comes the Rain

4. Glee Cast – Singing in the Rain/Umbrella

To dance to while the tornadoes carry you away to Oz for a visit with me:

5. Dead or Alive – You Spin Me Right Round

6. Ferris Buller – Twist and Shout (like there’s ANY other????)

7. Tornado (I’m pretty sure the twister sent his sanity to Oz and left him here.)

And finally, it’s Hurricane Time!

8. Hurricane Song – What’s a mom-blog playlist without some Raffi-like tunage?

9. Second Line Jazzband – Good Night, Irene

10. The Lost Boys – Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me (Robert Daltrey)

So there you have it. We’re rockin’ and a-rollin’ in VA. Hopefully, not literally anymore.

I think I’d be an awesome DJ.

-Lady O